10 Facts About the Making of "Titanic" You Never Knew

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Scale Model: The massive scale model of the Titanic used in the film was so large that it couldn't fit into any existing water tank.

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Sinking Scenes: The sinking scenes took over two months to film, involving complex set designs, special effects, and a team.

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Water Filming: For the underwater scenes, including the sinking of the ship.

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Historical Accuracy: Cameron went to great lengths to ensure historical accuracy.

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Costumes: The costumes for the film were meticulously researched and created, with some pieces.

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Leonardo DiCaprio's Audition: DiCaprio initially turned down the role of Jack Dawson.

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Kate Winslet's Casting: Cameron originally considered Gwyneth Paltrow for the role of Rose.

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Filming Challenges: The production faced numerous challenges, including unpredictable weather, technical issues, and tight schedules.