How To Using Pruning Shears Effectively

1. Select A Tool

Choose the right pruning shears. Use hand pruners (secateurs) for small branches up to ¾ inch in diameter and loppers for bigger branches up to 2 inches thick.

2. Inspection And Cleaning

Check shears for damage and debris before use. To prevent plant infections, clean blades with rubbing alcohol or a home disinfectant.

3. Branch Identification

 Select branches for pruning. Check for dead, diseased, or damaged branches and crossing or rubbing branches that may hamper growth.

4. Pruning Technique

Use proper cutting techniques when pruning. Make clean incisions around the stem or bud without stubs. A 45-degree cut away from the bud promotes healing and growth.

5. Angle And Position

Clear the branch and cut at the right angle to promote water outflow and prevent wound water collection.

6. Safety Measures

Wear gloves to protect your hands and safety goggles to shield your eyes from debris while cutting.

7. Start Small

Begin with smaller cuts to gauge how the plant reacts and adjust your pruning technique accordingly. Avoid cutting too much at once to prevent shock to the plant.

8. Prune In The Right Season

Timing is essential. Prune during the dormant season for most plants to minimize stress and maximize recovery.

9. Clean Cuts

Aim for clean cuts to avoid tearing or damaging the plant tissue. Sharp pruning shears are crucial for clean cuts, so regularly sharpen the blades.

10. Proper Care After Pruning

After pruning, clean and disinfect the pruning shears again. Apply pruning sealant to larger cuts if necessary to protect against pests and diseases.

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