The Art Of Window Gardening

1. Choose The Right Plant

Choose plants that thrive indoors and in windowsill sunlight. Herbs, succulents, ferns, ivies, small blooming plants, even cherry tomatoes and peppers grow indoors.

2. Check Lighting

Determine your window's light exposure—direct sunshine, indirect light, or shadow. Select plants that match light levels for healthy growth.

3. Container Choice

Choose containers or window boxes that fit your window style and size. Use containers with drainage holes or gravel at the bottom to prevent waterlogging.

4. Potting Mix With Soil

Use a high-quality potting mix suitable for indoor plants. Ensure it's well-draining to prevent root rot.

5. Plant And Arrange

Sort plants by height, growth, and appearance. Create a pleasing display by considering leaf and blossom colors and textures. To create layers, grow taller plants in the back and trailing or shorter ones in front.

6. Watering & Care

Water plants as needed, considering their moisture needs. Avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. Check soil moisture often, especially in warm interior spaces with dry air.

7. Fertilization, And Pruning

A diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer for indoor plants should be used occasionally. Trim plants as needed to promote bushier growth and form.

8. Rotate Plants

Turn plants occasionally to prevent leaning toward the light source and guarantee equal growth.

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